fenugreek seeds and fresh leaves

5 Recipes How to Use Fenugreek Seeds & Leaves

fenugreek seeds and fresh leaves



Discover a Unique Flavor Profile

Fenugreek is a plant that has been used for centuries in cooking and medicine. It is known for its distinctive sweet, bitter, and nutty flavor profile, which makes it a popular ingredient in many cuisines. Fenugreek can be used in various forms: whole or ground seeds and fresh or dried leaves. Its unique flavor profile is appreciated in Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African cuisines.

Indian methi paratha flatbread
Indian Methi Paratha (see 'Methi' for the recipe)

A Distinctive Flavor Profile

Fenugreek has a unique flavor profile that combines sweetness, bitterness, and nuttiness. The bitterness comes from the high levels of alkaloids in fenugreek seeds, while the sweetness and nuttiness are attributed to the presence of sotolon, a compound that gives fenugreek its characteristic aroma. This flavor profile makes fenugreek a versatile ingredient that can be used in many savory dishes.

Recipes with Fenugreek

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Ancient Roots

Fenugreek has been used in cooking and medicine for over 4000 years. Traditionally, in North Africa, Asia, and southern Europe, fenugreek was used for diabetes and augmenting lactation in breastfeeding women.

Fenugreek is a component of spice blends and adds flavor in the commercial production of food, drinks, and tobacco.

fenugreek ancient roots

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds can be used in various forms, including grinding, roasting, and cooking whole. Grinding fenugreek seeds can be a challenge because the seeds are small and hard, making it difficult to grind them into a fine powder without the right equipment. Ground fenugreek seeds are commonly used in spice blends and marinade pastes. Whole fenugreek seeds are used in pickles and as part of Bengali five spice seed mix.

fenugreek seeds

Culinary Applications

Fenugreek is a common ingredient in Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African cuisines. Some of SpiceBreeze dishes that include fenugreek as part of the spice blends are:

5 Recipes How to Use Fenugreek Seeds & Leaves

Fenugreek Leaves

Fenugreek leaves, also known as methi leaves, can be used fresh or dried, with fresh leaves commonly used in curries and stews, while dried leaves are used in spice blends and marinades. Methi has a distinct and strong aroma that is sweet, nutty, and slightly bitter, often compared to the scent of maple syrup or burnt sugar. The aroma is more pungent and earthy when the leaves are fresh, while dried leaves have a more concentrated aroma. The smell of methi is an essential part of its flavor profile and plays a significant role in the cuisine where it is commonly used.

Recommended: Indian Methi Paratha flatbread

fenugreek leaves methi

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SpiceBreeze Shopping List Cards

SpiceBreeze Free Shopping List Template

SpiceBreeze Shopping List Template

Our new shopping list template is designed for staples and pantry items that appear regularly in our recipes.

To spare you the hassle of hunting for rare to find ingredients, we substitute them with standard pantry items. Of course, you can always opt for a challenge. The following staples and pantry items appear regularly in our recipes.

Now it gets even easier for you! 

Our new printed SpiceBreeze shopping list card is delivered to you each month with your new favorite recipes.

Experience How SpiceBreeze Makes Grocery Shopping a Breeze

Creating a structured shopping list involves a few steps.

  1. First, decide what items you need to purchase. If you use one or more of our recipes, this first step is checked off. 
  2. Next, categorize the items into sections. For example, you could have sections for produce, dairy, frozen foods, and canned goods. Within each section, list the items in order of importance, so that you can prioritize your purchases. This is all done for you when you use our new free shopping list card.
  3. Finally, be sure to include additional details such as quantity, size, and price range. This will help you stay organized and make sure you get exactly what you need. Here you can add to the SpiceBreeze shopping list card the ingredients from the recipe cards and go for the variations that fits your taste.

How do you Structure a Shopping List?

Structuring a shopping list is an important part of making sure that you get everything you need from the store. There are several methods for creating an organized and effective shopping list. One approach is to create categories for items that you usually buy, such as dairy, produce, canned goods, frozen foods, and snacks. Within each category, write down all the items you need, in order of importance. You can also make a master list of all the items you need, and then organize them into categories and subcategories. For example, if you are buying fruits and vegetables, you can list out those items together and then separate them into apples, oranges, potatoes, etc.

Another method is to plan meals for the week and then make a list of all the ingredients you will need for those meals. This helps you avoid buying too much of one item or forgetting something essential. Additionally, you can write down the price range for each item on your list and stick to it while shopping.

Finally, consider how you will shop – will you go to a grocery store, visit farmers markets, or buy online? That will determine how you structure your list. For example, when shopping at a grocery store, you may want to arrange items according to the store’s layout, so you don’t miss any items. When shopping online, you may want to group items by delivery date or website.

No matter how you structure your list, be sure to check off items as you add them to your cart. This will help you stay organized and make sure you don’t forget anything.

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Sharing an Ethiopian Meal



A Peak into the Horn of Africa

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Ethiopia, the largest and most populous independent country within the African kingdom, lies on the “Horn” of East Africa. Not only is it one of the oldest countries in Africa and the world, no outside country has achieved its colonization. Documented evidence of ancient coffee culture and artifacts detailing the cradle of humankind has been discovered here. Ethiopia upholds an inherent freedom to religion and satisfies in its varied cuisine. What you may not know about this east African country will surprise you with its diversity.

The Birthplace of Coffee

Coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia and persists as the country’s single key export; the climate welcomes its production. In fact, coffee trees are indigenous and grow wild in certain areas. Coffee beans are depicted in paintings dating back to the 13th century and its high quality with intentional preparation still speaks for itself.
The most common coffee type exported in Ethiopia is Arabica which is characterized by a higher acidity. Despite coffee flavors varying from different regions, they are described to have an intense, pungent flavor resembling wine. Arabica coffee covers around 70% of the world’s coffee consumption and is believed to be the first cultivated.
Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony3

Coffee Ceremonies

Furthermore, coffee ceremonies provided an important, historical social need beyond consuming delicious coffee. These ceremonies served as a sanctuary for the community to come together to participate in a symbolic process, discuss news, and support family troubles.
Traditionally, a woman host roasts beans and brews the coffee in a traditional pot (jebena) in front of you. Incense is used to ward off evil spirits and a ceremony can last 2 – 3 hours. Three rounds of strength ensue from strong (abol), medium (tona), to weak (baraka), and with the final round, a blessing is bestowed upon the drinker.

The Cradle of Early Mankind

Moreover, dating to the second millennium BCE, Ethiopia’s past reveals a remarkable course of our evolution as far back as prehistory. Many spectacular archaeological discoveries have been excavated here, such as the 3.2 million year old female hominin skeleton, nicknamed, Lucy. She was found in 1974 in the Awash Valley of the Afar region and could climb trees and walk upright.

Religious Influence on Culinary Culture

Two organized religions dominate the population and coexist: Christianity and Islam. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church (locally called Tewahedo) is one of the oldest denominational Christian bodies in the world. Islam arrived in the country somewhere during the 7th century CE.

Influence of each religion on the national culture is strong; both have specific federally-recognized holidays in emphasis of religious freedom. Orthodox Church members are required to fast around 250 days of the year; yet some strict Ethiopians will fast from meat and dairy products for up to 50 days! Thus, due to meat-abstaining mandates found in both presiding belief systems, Ethiopia is an excellent location for vegetarians and vegans.

Ethiopian Lalibela Church


Lalibela, in the mountainous region in northern Ethiopia, was built in the 13th century. The city consists of eleven churches, each carved by hand out of a single large rock, including detailed doors, windows, columns, various floors, and roofs.

All churches are connected by an extensive system of trenches. ‘Biete Ghiorgis’ (House of St. George) is the best known church, structured in the shape of a Greek Orthodox cross. The eleven churches are declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Stews and platters

Combining rich, notable culinary elements from Asia, the Middle East, and Mediterranean, Ethiopian food is incredibly unique. Eating is a social event as evident by the usual mixed platter.

Meat platters (maheberawi) include different stewed foods like tibs (spiced, stir-fried lamb, beef, or goat) and kitfo (raw ground beef), among many.

Vegetarian platters (yetsom beyaynetu) include many lentil, spicy tomato, or split-pea stews (misr wot, alecha kik, etc). 

Try our recipes for tibs, misr wot, and injera. Traditionally, accompanying the meal is honey-based wine or beer; upon conclusion of the meal, coffee sweetened with honey is enjoyed.

Injera Bread from Teff Flour

Omnipresent is injera bread, a bed for the platter made with an ancient grain, teff, indigenous to the country. 

Teff flour is mixed with water and wild yeast, left to ferment for a few days, and baked. Acting as both a plate and utensil, injera provides a tangy bite of flavor to complement the hearty spices of Ethiopian cuisine.  

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Cornstarch has Plenty of Alternatives

From Arrowroot to Tapioca

Starches are known for their ability to thicken and stabilize liquid dishes. Starches are also commonly used in baked dishes. There are many different kinds processed from various plants around the world. Here we have listed a few starch options, each with its own benefits. Try them all, discover a favorite, and find your new pantry staple!


Cornstarch is an essential ingredient in pantries and kitchens around the globe. What many don’t know is that corn starch comes from the endosperm of a corn kernel. 

It was invented in the mid-19th century by a man named Thomas Kingsford and it was used originally as a laundry aid. Cornstarch is a great thickening agent for stews, sauces, and other liquid ingredients. 

potato starch

Potato Starch

Another common starch ingredient is potato starch. The starch extracted from potatoes becomes a white powder, similar to flour. 

This is a great gluten-free substitute for recipes that require flour. It can also be used as a thickening agent and as a fried food coating. A great reason to use potato starch is that it is lighter than other starches and maintains color to a dish.

Arrowroot Flour

Native to Indonesia, arrowroot is a tuber that is similar to ginger. Extracting arrowroot flour is done by taking the plant’s rhizome and processing it into powder. 

The rhizome is the underground stem of the plant that stores the plant’s starch and energy. Arrowroot is a great choice for those who need ingredients that are easy to digest, like children or seniors.


Tapioca Flour

Tapioca Flour is a starch that has a slight sweetness to it. It is made by extracting the starches from the roots of a mature cassava plant, also known as yuca or manioc. 

This ingredient is also gluten-free and used similarly to the other starches. Bakers love this ingredient as it gives golden brown crusts to the dish. Use it in batters, as a crispy coating, and to thicken liquids.

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sushi plate with tamari

Tamari and other Easy Alternatives for Soy Sauce

How to Cook Asian Recipes Without Soy Sauce

Tamari and Other Easy Alternatives for Soy Sauce

Soy sauce is a staple ingredient in many Asian recipes. Allergies to soy or wheat can make it difficult for someone to enjoy these types of dishes. Included in this list of alternatives are options for those with dietary restrictions such as those who seek to limit their sodium intake, or people with soy or wheat allergies.

The Origin of Soy Sauce

Soy sauce’s origin date back to 2,000 years ago in China. The ingredients include soybeans, wheat, salt, and a fermenting agent. 

There are many different types of soy sauces from the different ratios of the ingredients used. This liquid condiment is known to be salty and fragrant. 

Different countries all around the world have their own application and dishes that require soy sauce. There are also a few alternatives to soy sauce that can be used to make soy sauce-based dishes.

sushi plate with tamari

Japanese Tamari - Gluten Free

A staple condiment in Japan similar to soy sauce is Tamari. This sauce is made from pressing fermented miso paste, while soy sauce is made by fermenting in tanks with grains. 

Tamari is slightly thicker, darker, and more flavorful than soy sauce. 

A great reason to choose this alternative is that it is typically made without wheat unlike soy sauce, so those who enjoy a gluten-free diet can enjoy this sauce.

Miso Paste

Miso paste is made by fermenting soybeans. It is also a part of the soy sauce and Tamari making process. 

There are different types of miso that can be purchased: White miso and Red Miso. White miso has a lighter and subtle flavor, while red miso is richer and saltier. You can also find these two types mixed as well. A great reason to choose this alternative is for its high probiotic levels which contains healthy bacteria for the body. 

Miso paste in water
Fish sauce

Fish Sauce

A commonly used ingredient in Southeast Asia is fish sauce. It is made by fermentation of small fish, like krill and anchovies, with salt. This is a process similar to the production of Worcestershire sauce. 

Many Asian dishes, including Pad Thai, use this ingredient to enhance the rich and savory tastes within the dish. Due to the salty nature of fish sauce, it is a great alternative for soy sauce, or even salt in cooking. There are also gluten-free fish sauce options that should be available at your local Asian grocery store. 

Coconut Aminos - Gluten & Soy Free

By fermenting the sap of a coconut plant, you get coconut aminos. This sauce is another alternative option for soy sauce, that is gluten free, just like tamari.

In addition, coconut aminos are also soy-free. This makes this substitute a great choice for those with allergies to soy or wheat.

Coconut aminos are high in amino acids which are necessary for muscle development and strength.

coconut tree

Liquid Aminos - Gluten Free

Another amino-rich sauce is liquid aminos. These are similar to coconut aminos, and also gluten free. However, they are made from soybeans and purified water. 

This sauce, when compared to soy sauce, has a milder taste and a tiny amount of sweetness. Amino acids are building blocks for proteins which is why they are a great support for muscle health.

Worcestershire Sauce

Worcestershire sauce is made from fermented anchovies, vinegar, molasses, and a variety of other ingredients. It was created in Worcestershire, England in the 19th century. 

Worcestershire sauce is frequently used to enhance food and drink recipes and as a condiment for meat dishes. Another gluten free and soy free option, Worcestershire sauce is great for those looking to enhance rich flavors in dishes.

eggs with worcestershire sauce

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Olive Oil

How to Cook with 10 Popular Cooking Oils


Nutritious Avocado

Most avocado oil from Mexico. It’s produced by extracting the oil from the pulp of the fruit. Avocado oil has recently gained newfound popularity. In its pure version, it is more expensive than most cooking oils.

Avocado oil is unrefined like extra virgin olive oil. With its light and fresh flavor, Avocado oil is a great universal ingredient for salad dressings and marinades of any kind. Combine it with simple ingredients such as mustard, lemon juice, or garlic.

A notable property is its high smoke point. Avocado oil works well in Asian stir-fry over high heat if you are looking for a sesame oil substitute.

Full of Mediterranean Sun

We love our olive oil so much that we need at least two of them. For cooking sugo alla Napolitana or Bolognese and frying veal at medium heat, we use a regular quality. Never bring it to high heat. Olive oil starts to smoke faster than other oils.

For salads and cold vegetables, only extra virgin olive oil from selected brands provides the pure flavor.

The process for making olive oil starts with crushing the olives then slowly stirring water into the resulting paste to concentrate the oil molecules. The concoction is then centrifuged to remove excess water.

Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality of olive oil, it is unprocessed and kept below 75°F during the extraction process


Olive Oil
How to Cook with 10 Popular Cooking Oils

Oils From the Tropics - Palm

Palm oil comes from squeezing the fruit of the oil palm tree. The oil palm is a plant native to Africa, however, over 100 years ago, this plant was brought over to South-East Asia.

Today, Indonesia and Malaysia produce 85% of the global palm oil supply.

Palm oil is used in a variety of products like food, detergents, and cosmetics. Due to it being so multi-use and easy to produce, it is a popular oil choice around the world for various industries.

Unfortunately, due to its high demand, new oil palm tree farms around the world lead to immense deforestation in the tropical areas they grow in. 

Oils From the Tropics - Coconut

To produce coconut oil, one must press fresh coconut meat or dried coconut called copra. Not only is coconut oil great in the kitchen. It’s also popular  as a moisturizer for skin and hair.

Due to its low melting point of around 78°F, coconut oil is best for medium heat cooking and baking. Those who cook with coconut oil boast of how rich and flavorful it is.

Additionally, coconut oil can be used to replace butter in a vegan dish.

coconut oil
How to Cook with 10 Popular Cooking Oils

Where Food is Fried

Corn oil is extracted from the germ of corn by pressing the kernels then using solvent extraction.

Corn oil is mainly used for frying.

Due to the abundance of corn and its high smoke point, this oil is relatively cheap and functional.

Similar to avocado oil, its neutral taste that does not distract the other flavors within the dish.

Corn oil’s main uses in cooking are deep-frying, grilling, baking, and stir-frying.

Crucial Ingredient for Asian Dishes

One of the earliest known crop oils is sesame oil, derived from sesame seeds. This oil has a nutty aroma and taste, making it a great flavor enhancer.

Popular in Asian cuisines for frying and in cold dishes, sesame oil has a long shelf life and can be stored for up to a year. There are a few varieties of sesame oil that range between light and dark colors.

The darker sesame oil is typically the one with a stronger flavor, and the lighter one has a less pungent taste,

How to Cook with 10 Popular Cooking Oils
How to Cook with 10 Popular Cooking Oils

A Useful Home Oil

Flaxseed oil also known as linseed oil comes from dried and ripe seeds from the flax plant.

\Not only is it an edible cooking oil, but it also has many different practical applications. It can be used as a varnish for wood, a hardener in putty, and also can bind pigments in oil paints.

Flax seed oil is not recommended for high heat cooking due to its low smoke point. It adds a significant flavor to salad dressings and cold dishes. 

Pure, Natural Oil

Pressing the seeds from a sunflower produces sunflower oil, a great frying oil. The refined oil from sunflowers gives a neutral taste, while the cold-pressed oil tastes buttery and nutty.

First gaining popularity in Russia, sunflower oil attracted American consumers in the 1970s. This oil is made mainly of linoleic acid and oleic acid which are both unsaturated fats.

How to Cook with 10 Popular Cooking Oils