Pink Peppercorns
Pink peppercorns are similar to peppercorns in appearance and taste. However, they are actually not peppers. They are mild and more like berries, and grow on a South American tree.
Notice the distinct fruity flavor when they melt on your tongue. Pink peppercorns are best when not cooked or added at the end of cooking.
Try one of our recipe inspirations as a starting point for your own creativity.
Recipe Options
Healthy Breakfast for Valentine's Day
Color a chia pudding with red berry puree or juice. Top with a pink peppercorns in the shape of heart.
Coconut Panna Cotta
Dissolve 1 tsp agar-agar in 1.5 cups coconut milk. Boil 5 minutes over low heat. Mix in 2 tbsp lime juice, 1 tbsp agave syrup or honey, and 0.5 cup heavy cream. Season with salt and vanilla to taste. Boil 5 minutes over low heat. Fill in glasses. Keep them 2 hours in the fridge. To serve, top with mango-purée and pink peppercorns.
Caprese with Pears
Cut 16 oz mozzarella, 3 tomatoes, and 2 pears in 1/2 inch cubes. In a small bowl, mix 1 tbsp aceto balsamico, 1 tbsp olive oil, and 2-3 tsp pink peppercorns. Toss sauce over cubes. Season with salt and chili powder to taste. Let rest 10 minutes

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