Chermoula is a fragrant marinade hailing from North Africa, particularly popular across the Maghreb, from Tunisia to Morocco. With a base of fresh herbs, it shares similarities with South American chimichurri. Traditionally, it's used in slow-cooked tagines with fish or chicken, but it also makes a fantastic seasoning for grilled meats, fish, or vegetables.
Spread a thin layer of oil on the bottom of a BAKING DISH.
Place the fish * (skin-side down) in the BAKING DISH.
Season it with salt & pepper to taste.
Coat it evenly with chermoula.
Cover it with aluminum foil.
Let it marinate in the fridge for 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Preheat the OVEN to 300°F. ***
Bake the fish for 15-20 minutes (for the meat: 1-2 hours), until it's cooked through.
Easier alternative (instead of marinate and bake):
Season chermoula with salt & pepper to taste.
Spread it over grilled fish, meat, or vegetables.
* Substitute with 2 lbs chicken legs or lamb chops.** If necessary, substitute cilantro with parsley.*** Optionally, add carrots and/or bell pepper slices on top of the fish or chicken.**** Couscous salad